We have Chapel once a week in my current school. Two years ago, we brought the class to their first Chapel service and sat them down in the pews. After the Chaplain spoke to the children, the music teacher got up to sing some songs. She has a very high soprano voice. One little boy looked at the child next to him and with a shocked look on his face and said "EWWWWWW! This is Opera!!!!! I don't know how to do Opera!!!!!!!" He sat through the song with the most miserable look on his face while his teacher literally chewed the insides of her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.
This year we were in Chapel one Wednesday when the Principal sat with my class. We fill up two rows so she sat in the row in front of me with eight children and I sat directly behind her with eight more. During the service I saw my Principal turn around to my row and hold her hand out. One adorable little blond slapped her hand. I thought to myself how odd it was that she would have a child give her high five during the service. She turned around only to turn around again with her hand out. This time the child sitting next to the blond placed a rubber band in her hand. He had evidently been popping it without me seeing him.
I think it's funny that he even knew what "opera" was!
I with this little boy 100%. I am not a lover of opera either. He certainly knows what he likes and dislike and is not afraid to show it. Ah! The wonders of childhood!
love hearing about your adventures...
blessings, andrea
So, the high five was just coincidental?
Did the principal keep a straight face after it?
that's as funny as the rest.
I'm with that kid - ewwwww opera! The only difference is that since I'm big, I keep my opinions to myself.
I just confiscated a rubber band last week. Rubber bands and gum are irresistible, apparently.
LOl Heather....it was so funny. She does know how to hit really high notes.
It was so cute Choices. He hunched his shoulders down and sat there like someone was force feeding him spinach. His Mom and I had a good laugh over it that night when I called to tell her.
Mama Zen. It was so hard for me not to laugh out loud...at either instance!!
My little guy thought that the Principal wanted a high five from him. He was so proud of himself. I don't think he ever realized that she was trying to confiscate the rubber band from the child sitting next to him.
lol Theresa! But popping the Principal in the back with said rubber band is so not smart...lol
I really enjoy both of your blogs sweet lady! Hope your allergies stop acting up soon.
Principles are like parents..eyes in the backs of their heads. If he had been sitting behind you, you would have seen it.
Lol Lee! Maybe not. I was too busy fanning myself with a hot flash!
Oh, I do love coming here and the laughter your bring to my soul. Such a joy. I love the opera and the high five. You are a wonderful camera and video all rolled into one. Ever thought of going on IMAX?
I love to find little notes and drawings that are put into the Bibles during Chapel - it's like finding buried treasure on Sunday morning..lol the notes are made from the collections envelopes...
Love to you
If I don't stop eating Beth, I could fill an IMAX screen at the rate I am going!
Awwwwwwww Kelly...that is so cute! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for popping by and leaving me a message, We've only had our cats a few weeks but alreadt they have become very speical to us!
Who knew Chapel could be so entertaining? :)
Good point Mighty M!
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading yours.
Thanks Meg! I am excited about reading yours as well!
Awww Lisa! I can see why!
This is so funny! I can just see that little boy saying "EWWWWWW"! You never know what they are going to say. My children had the most wonderful kindergarten teacher. I am very thankful to her for starting them out good!
I am so glad that your children had a wonderful experience in Kindergarten. That is the way it should be!