Did you go anywhere exciting for Easter break?
Did you go anywhere exciting for Easter break?
Every year, I like to have a teddy bear parade and contest centering around a bear theme. We give out blue ribbons for the silliest, the funniest, and the smartest bear just to name a few. One year we had an exceptional array of teddy bears. There were large ones, small ones, glamorous ones, and even some wearing local college team jerseys. We even had an Elvis teddy bear. As the children excitedly entered the classroom with their teddy bears dangling at their sides, I noticed one child's bear was much worn. One arm was about to fall off and was literally hanging by a few threads. When another child commented, "That is an ugly teddy bear", the child who brought it in replied "I know. But I don't care. I love him anyway! Buddy sleeps with me every night! I can't go to sleep without him."
Anyone have a good explanation that a kindergartner would understand? If you do, please share it with this kindergarten teacher!
L is for Listen and Learn: Looking for Ways to Get the Most from a Parent Teacher Conference
| 76 comments »This week I am participating in Alphabet Thursday sponsored by Off On My Tangent!The letter this week is the Letter L! I am going to help you Learn how to talk to your child's teacher during a parent-teacher conference! It matters very Little whether this is a regularly scheduled conference or you are Longing to discuss a particular issue with a teacher. Let's Look at ways that will help you get the answers to your questions and that you get to share any needed information that might make school Less stressful for your child!
Prior to the conference, make a list:
List everything that you want to ask the teacher as well as anything that you want to bring up.
Listen to your child prior to the conference. Tell your child that you have a conference scheduled and ask if there is anything that your child would like you to talk about with his or her teacher.
Look for ways to start the conference off to a good start. Thank the teacher for anything good that you have noticed that has helped your child improve.
Let the teacher know about anything outside of school that would be helpful for him or her to know about any family dynamics that might be impacting your child's performance at school. Examples might include divorce, undue stress due to a family illness, etc.
Level with the teacher without losing your cool.
Let yourself be aware of the time factor once you arrive. Be sure to have your list of things you want to cover handy since teachers only have a specific amount of time allotted for each conference.
List anything important in the notes you take during the conference so that once you leave, you can remember what the teacher recommended or said.
A Kindergarten Teacher Blogging About Writing, Pollen and a Giant Bird
| A giant bird | 22 comments »Once inside, I got settled and looked over my plans. Thinking I had time to run to the restroom before the morning bell rang, I ducked into the bathroom I share with the other kindergarten class. As I came back into the classroom, I saw the other kindergarten teacher doubled over with laughter. The bell had rung and the children were asking where I was. She told them I had gone to join the circus. One little girl responded "No she didn't. She's too old for that! She's 60! I am not 60........yet! I have four years to go. I am going to have to start using wrinkle cream I guess...sigh.
Blogging About The School Year Coming To An End In Kindergarten
| I will still love you | 30 comments »Blogging About Testing In The Elementary School Classrooms
| Is the testing worth it? | 34 comments »John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. (NIV)
I hope you all had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday!