In the early years of my career we used to use a phonics program that included inflatable letter people. Whenever we would introduce a specific letter, we would put the inflatable character outside our classroom door and have another teacher knock on the door. The children loved this routine and looked forward to the time when it would be their turn to open the door and welcome a new letter person into the classroom.
I will never forget the day T... excitedly went to open the door when it was his turn. He flung the door open and yelled " Oh no! He's dying!" Sure enough, Horrible Harry had sprung a leak since my assistant had filled him with air less than fifteen minutes before. In no time flat, he looked more like the wicked witch that melted in The Wizard of Oz.
Never heard of inflatable letters before - a fun idea. Interesting blog.
That is too funny. When I was student teaching...we used the letter people. How fun, I miss seeing them.
Wow He and amp! That is great! You remember the letter people too.
Mike, alas, the letter people have long ago been replaced by other phonics programs.
Thank you both for reading!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and also thanks for offer the advise...I need all that I can get :)
So funny!
Cool blog!~ My kids are older, but I remember K like it was yesterday!~ I was room MOM:) What a fun age though to teach...they are still cute and little. Thanks for stopping by my blog....send me pics of your home I will see what I can come up with...I love to decorate:) and help out when I can for
How did you find my blog?
Wow Debbie! Really? Thanks a bunch! I will.
Are those the Alpha-Time character? I Remember the balloon little people with the big letters on their chest when I first started teaching.
Those are the ones Deborah. Can you just picture that poor child when he found Mr. H deflating before his eyes....poor little guy! I told you...I am oldddddddd.